Transposition meditates on the entanglement of these perceived categories, how they influence one another, how they are co-dependent, and how they are co-produced. It is impossible for an image of a landscape not to influence one's expectation of how "Nature" should perform for the individual.
Through exploring these perceived categories as not distinctly separate, but rather as a dynamic spectrum, Transposition reveals a language—comprehensively new, yet uncannily familiar—produced from the intra-action of “Nature”, urbanity, and technology.
Additional works available upon request.
Selected Exhibitions
2023 NonostanteMarras, Milan, Italy
2020 Le Lieu Unique, Nantes, France
2020 Foam Photography Museum, Amsterdam, Netherlands
2020 Metronom Gallery, Modena, Italy
2019 Les Rencontres d’Arles, Arles, France
2018 Frankfurtur Kunstverein, Frankfurt, Germany
2018 Beaconsfield Gallery Vauxhall, London, UK
2017 Postmasters Gallery, New York, NY
2016 Prague Botanical Garden, Prague, Czech Republic
2016 School of Visual Arts, New York, NY
Selected Publications
2022 IMA Magazine - Vol. 37
2019 Arch+ - Issue No. 228
2017 Foam Magazine - Issue No. 48